Bob Butts, Oahu

Kings Highway
curly koa, ebony, bamboo, 

What inspired me to do this piece was the curl in the koa. It reminded me of lava. That brought back an experience I had in the Coast Guard to erect a light structure at Cape Hanamanioa, a few miles past La Perouse Bay. While scouting the area I was fascinated when I came across this winding worn path that went through the rugged and jagged lava flows. It was obvious this trail had been there a long time and had lots of use.

The bamboo pieces represent flat stones that had been placed by hand on the trail. The handle or knob, on the cabinet are loose rocks that had been stacked on the border of the trail. The foot prints represent those that used the path in the past. The curly koa is the lava, with fingers of the more recent flows.

The cabinet is multi functional. All shelves including the upper are adjustable and can be removed. It's lined with camphor and will smell good for a long time to come.

For more info about Bob Butts, visit his web site,














Kings Highway